maintainability + scalability wordpress development
Free Website Audit Request
We build custom wordpress websites and design every site we make. Your business is unique, so your website should be too.
Please provide the following details, which we need to audit your website and get back to you with our recommendations.
key features
custom development
complete redesign + custom features
monthly content management
submit tickets with our website
aws and google cloud servers
fully-optimized hosting
everything you need
all-in-one platform
Instead of paying upfront cost for a complete redesign and your web developer never updating your site again. We at Building A Better Website have create a subscription based model.
We have a dedicated and fully-optimize wordpress website system, update your monthly key-words (SEO) and content, managed wordpress updates, unlimited image optimization and so much more.
Built proudly with Breakdance or Oxygen, a wordpress page builder (included)
A Monthly Subscription Service
AWS and Google Cloud Servers
CDN + Optimizer = Automatic WebP
4 Support Tickets A Month
Unlimited Image Optimization
Manage and Track Your SEO
Support Tickets For Quick Update Management
Global Servers
Daily Backups
One central dashboard to monitor, analyze, and optimize the performance of your website.
Run security scans, manage your blocklists / firewalls, enable 2FA, and action hardening recommendations with one click.
A value of $250 a month worth of plugins included + $500 a year of license keys
We are committed to your website monthly. If you ever want to transfer out of our platform we can help you move your website to your own server for a small fee of $275. Premium plugin will be removed and you will be required to get a Breakdance or Oxygen Pagebuilder License.
building a better website
we build custom wordpress websites and design every site we make. your business is unique, so your website should be too.